Our people
Hub Partner Investigators

Prof Alison Todd

Dr Steven Badman
Director, Medical & Scientific Affairs, ANZ, PNG and Western Pacific
+61 418 167 044

Dr David H. Persing
MD, PhD.
Executive Vice President, Chief Medical/Scientific Officer
+1 408 400 8207

Dr Teri Roberts
Public Health Senior Manager
Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP)
+41 22 555 1990

Ms Phoebe Chomley
Sexual Health Program Officer
Central and Eastern Sydney PHN
+61 2 9304 8745

Prof David Lewis
Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre, Western Sydney Local Health District
+61 2 9762 5386

Dr Rick Varma
Sydney Sexual Health Centre, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
+61 2 9382 7440

Dr Monica Lahra

Prof William Pomat

Dr Nittaya Phanuphak

Prof Christopher Fairley

Ms Francesca Azzato
Section Head – Bacteriology Department
Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference laboratory (VIDRL) at the Doherty Institute
+61 3 9342 9341

Prof Deborah Williamson
Professor of Public Health Microbiology, Department of Infectious Diseases; Dame Kate Campbell Fellow; NHMRC Investigator Grant Fellow
The University of Melbourne
+61 3 9342 9636

Dr Alyce Mayfosh
Chief Scientific Officer
Wintermute Biomedical Australia Pty Ltd
+61 425 741 168